TUAW weet te melden dat de Louisa Muscatine Univerisiteit in Iowa iPods gaat gebruiken bij het afnemen van toetsen van zogeheten Basic Skills voor leerlingen in het bijzonder onderwijs. Met de iPods kunnen de leerlingen in eigen tempo de ingesproken toetsvragen afwerken. Tegelijkertijd zorgt deze iPodtoepassing voor meer standaardisatie

iPodsThe Muscatine Journal reports
that the Louisa-Muscatine School District in Iowa will start using iPods as part of the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills. Special education students will use the iPods to allow them to work on their tests at different rates, while still providing a standardized administration of the test. The iPod will provide both test instructions and spoken versions of the questions.

It’s apparently a time consuming process getting everything transferred from the written page into a spoken format but it’s also pretty exciting to see how innovative educators are using off-the-shelf technology to meet their student’s special needs. Obviously technology isn’t going to be the answer to every pedagogical problem but a creative application of the already-available iPod may go a long way.

Mooi initiatief dat volgens mij ook makkelijk in Nederland toepasbaar zou kunne zijn.

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