PBwiki bestaat niet meer. Althans, niet in naam. De makers van deze online wikisoftware (gratis voor het onderwijs overigens) hebben besloten de naam te wijzigen in PBworks.
As we’ve added additional functionality, such as Access Controls, Document Management, Mobile support, and now our new Legal Edition, we’ve gone well beyond traditional wiki functionality. As a result, the name “PBwiki” no longer reflected how we think of ourselves, and even more importantly, how our users think of us. […] When David Weekly founded PBwiki, “PB” stood for “peanut butter,” as in “as easy to create as a peanut butter sandwich.” While our workspaces are still easy to create, we realize that ease-of-use is only half the solution–we also need to give you the means to work more efficiently. PBworks reflects how people actually use our products: As a way to work together more efficiently, effectively, and productively. PBworks also captures the ease-of-use that has always been our hallmark… “it just works!”
Alle bestaande PBwiki (waaronder die van de TeachMeetNL) blijven uiteraard gewoon onder de oude url bereikbaar.