Op 22 maart a.s. is er weer een gratis webinar van Apple. Dat doen ze met enige regelmaat. De sessie Learning with Apple: Engaging with Digital Content belooft interessant te worden:
In this webinar, you’ll hear from educators who are incorporating Apple products to further engage their students. You’ll also learn how to issue and frame challenges and where to find the best Challenge Based Learning resources.
Mobile devices and digital content are helping students get even more involved in Challenge Based Learning. iPad and iPod touch give them instant access to iTunes U, books and thousands of education apps. With amazing resources always available, challenges are being researched and solved in class, at home and everywhere in between.
Dit webinar richt zich op docenten uit het VO en HO. Registreren is verplicht om deel te kunnen nemen. En het kan met het bord op schoot want de aanvangstijd 10.00 Pacific Time en dat is 19.00 bij ons.