Interessant bericht op (is het dan een gerucht of toch niet?):

Fortune’s Apple 2.0 Blog reports on an analyst research note by Berstein Research’s Toni Sacconaghi Jr that reframes some of Apple’s notebook marketshare numbers.

In breaking notebook shares into 5 separate price ranges (quintiles), Sacconaghi found that Apple’s marketshare amongst the most expensive quintile of notebooks was as high as 29%. Of course, also based on his data, Apple lost marketshare amongst the bottom three quintiles (cheapest notebook sales).

Unfortunately, these numbers by themselves are near meaningless. However, the most interesting tidbit of information gleaned was when they excluded business sales: Apple’s 29% notebook marketshare rose to 46% when counting only consumer + educational sales.

This may confirm anecdotal reports that Apple’s marketshare appears to be booming amongst college campuses. As a result, Apple’s consumer marketshare could be substantially higher than the traditional 5-6% marketshare numbers would suggest.

Het is iets wat ik wel een beetje begin te herkennen. Ik kom steeds vaker en meer Macs in het onderwijs tegen. Ook op mijn eigen schooltje vragen leerlingen en collega’s steeds vaker naar de voors en tegens van zo’n Mac. Bovendien blijk ik steeds vaker Mac-students te hebben. Nu moeten we die leerlingen zover krijgen dat ze hun Macjes mee naar school nemen.

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